Most users tend to access/modify the database by using nano:
$ nano /etc/openmediavault/config.xml
This is a problem as sometimes a wrong pressed key can add strange chars out of the xml tags and make the database unreadable by the backend.
omv-confdbadm is a tool written in python for retrieving, storing or deleting values from/to the database. This tool combined with jq [1] provides an easier method for interacting with the database using Shell/BASH.
To read values in the database the tool needs as last argument the datamodel path. You can find all data models path here /usr/share/openmediavault/datamodels/
prefixed with conf. Or list them with omv-confdbadm list-ids
Lets read all the registered filesystems that have been mounted through the web interface. Type the following command as root:
# omv-confdbadm read --prettify conf.system.filesystem.mountpoint
Output returns:
"dir": "/srv/dev-disk-by-label-ironwolf_3TB_1",
"freq": 0,
"fsname": "/dev/disk/by-label/ironwolf_3TB_1",
"hidden": false,
"opts": "defaults,noauto,user_xattr,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl",
"passno": 2,
"type": "ext4",
"uuid": "567c2bd4-3d82-45b2-b34b-a6d38e680ed3"
"dir": "/media/a448c5e9-7a50-4d48-b73d-48cadbe0326e",
"freq": 0,
"fsname": "a448c5e9-7a50-4d48-b73d-48cadbe0326e",
"hidden": true,
"opts": "noauto,",
"passno": 0,
"type": "fuse.mergerfs",
"uuid": "4adf0892-cf63-466f-a5aa-80a152b8dea6"
"dir": "/export/videos",
"freq": 0,
"fsname": "/media/a448c5e9-7a50-4d48-b73d-48cadbe0326e/data_general/videos",
"hidden": false,
"opts": "bind,noauto",
"passno": 0,
"type": "none",
"uuid": "4457831c-309e-4693-8b0d-5db6b257194d"
"dir": "/export/PVR",
"freq": 0,
"fsname": "/media/a448c5e9-7a50-4d48-b73d-48cadbe0326e/data_general/videos/pvr",
"hidden": false,
"opts": "bind,noauto",
"passno": 0,
"type": "none",
"uuid": "dce89b85-f1e1-42e2-8d46-986de599abff"
The first one is a native ext4 filesystem, the second object is storage pool, the last two are NFS binds.
Filtering: Get all filesystem mountpoints:
# omv-confdbadm read conf.system.filesystem.mountpoint | jq -r '.[]|.dir'
Output returns:
Selecting: Get all filesystem objects that are registered as ext4:
# omv-confdbadm read conf.system.filesystem.mountpoint | jq -r '.[]|select(.type=="ext4")'
Output returns:
"opts": "defaults,noauto,user_xattr,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl",
"uuid": "567c2bd4-3d82-45b2-b34b-a6d38e680ed3",
"passno": 2,
"dir": "/media/dev-disk-by-label-ironwolf_3TB_1",
"fsname": "/dev/disk/by-label/ironwolf_3TB_1",
"freq": 0,
"hidden": false,
"type": "ext4"
Write: This tool can also modify values in the database.
Add the noexec flag to this filesystem object 567c2bd4-3d82-45b2-b34b-a6d38e680ed3
, we need to pass the whole json object as argument:
# omv-confdbadm update conf.system.filesystem.mountpoint '{"freq":0,"hidden":false,"passno":2,"opts":"defaults,noexec,noauto,user_xattr,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl","dir":"/media/dev-disk-by-label-ironwolf_3TB_1","uuid":"567c2bd4-3d82-45b2-b34b-a6d38e680ed3","fsname":"/dev/disk/by-label/ironwolf_3TB_1","type":"ext4"}'
Remove a filesystem from the database, this time we pass only the corresponding uuid of the object:
# omv-confdbadm delete --uuid 567c2bd4-3d82-45b2-b34b-a6d38e680ed3 conf.system.filesystem.mountpoint